Wednesday, February 19, 2014

League of legends Fine Arts collections [SEXY]!

You mind be wonder why the female champions in League of legends have got big boobs. Well, I believe firstly this is art, and it could be a little exaggerated in terms of body structure, secondly most of league of legends players are male, and by doing this, it might be able to attract few more potential players. Lastly, people enjoying looking at the poster where the champion designs are beautiful.

So here is few other champion fine art by Wong from

Swimmer Nidalee

Gas station worker Riven 

 Pool Party sona

Maid Katarina

 Legendary Ahri

Selected awesome videos: 
Fiddlesticks vs Ahri (First Person League of Legends)
Making Yourself Easier to Carry: How to Win When You Feed in Lane
This is Why You\'re Stuck in BRONZE ("ELO Hell")

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Monthly league of legends RP Giveaway

The next LolOrTroll giveaway is scheduled on 19/Feb/2014.

Prize:  RP2470

Like and follow us on Facebook to join the RP giveaway event. 
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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Top 100 earning clubs of LoL in the world : SKT1 #1

According to the original statistic author, he collected all matches prize between 2012-2013 and drew the following ranking of prize earning.

It should be noted that the following ranking is based on the club team as a unit rather than individual team as a unit.  So for example Azubu Taipei include the TPA and TPS.

Unit as US Dollar: 
  1、SK Telecom T1 - 1.140.281 $
  2、Azubu Taipei - 1.102.457 $
  3、(CLG)Counter Logic Gaming - 775.457 $
  4、Fnatic - 744.042 $
  5、(TSM)Team SoloMid - 717.980 $
  6、(WE)Team WorldElite - 484.441 $
  7、Team Dignitas - 483.116 $
  8、Gambit Gaming - 475.750 $
  9、Curse Gaming - 472.388 $
  10、CHINA OGA - 443.299 $(OMG+PE)
  11、SK Gaming - 431.735 $
  12、NaJin e-mFire - 401.562 $
  13、Azubu Korea - 397.034 $
  14、Cloud 9 - 369.200 $
  15、XDG Gaming (Vulcun) - 365.000 $
  16、Royal Club - 356.315 $
  17、Evil Geniuses - 330.900 $
  18、(IG)Invictus Gaming - 318.860 $
  19、Copenhagen Wolves - 315.218 $
  20、(M5)Moscow Five - 312.335 $
  21、(LD)Lemondogs - 270.000 $
  22、Team ALTERNATE - 230.707 $
  23、(CJ Blaze & CJ Frost)CJ Entus - 221.798 $
  24、Team Coast - 217.250 $
  25、MeetYourMakers - 197.154 $
  26、MVP - 168.020 $
  27、against All authority - 153.010 $
  28、compLexity Gaming - 141.250 $
  29、Maximum impact Gaming - 134.044 $
  30、Good Game University - 126.000 $
  31、Kiedyś Miałem Team - 116.459 $
  32、GIANTS! Gaming - 110.421 $
  33、KT Rolster - 110.301 $
  34、Velocity eSports - 109.350 $
  35、Ninjas in Pyjamas - 108.000 $
  36、DragonBorns - 105.422 $
  37、(A队)Alliance - 105.000 $
  38、Team MRN - 100.000 $
  39、Gamania Bears - 95.367 $
  40、Singapore Sentinels - 92.613 $
  41、Saigon Jokers - 84.440 $
  42、ahq e-Sports Club - 80.369 $
  43、Incredible Miracle - 79.140 $
  44、Xenics - 68.571 $
  45、paiN Gaming - 67.836 $
  46、Samsung Galaxy - 56.302 $
  47、 - 54.625 $
  48、CNB e-Sports Club - 44.685 $
  49、Team Dynamic - 44.600 $
  50、Millenium - 42.890 $
  51、Mineski - 42.690 $
  52、Vince Te Ipsum - 41,062 $
  53、EHOME - 38.600 $
  54、Team Immunity - 36.322 $
  55、Team Acer - 33.308 $
  56、TCM Gaming - 32.650 $
  57、Lyon Gaming - 31.000 $
  58、Epik Gamer - 30.050 $
  59、Absolute Legends - 29.589 $
  60、LGD Gaming - 28.577 $
  61、Dark Passage - 28.518 $
  62、Energy Pacemaker - 28.328 $
  63、Kuala Lumpur Hunters - 27.321 $
  64、Jin Air Greenwings - 26.629 $
  65、Gameburg Team - 26.023 $
  66、Anexis eSports - 25.634 $
  67、Full Louis - 23.716 $
  68、HK Attitude - 22.997 $
  69、Keyd Team - 22.771 $
  70、Eternity Gaming - 21.671 $
  71、Monomaniac - 21.500 $
  72、Team OP - 20.900 $
  73、FXOpen e-Sports - 20.700 $
  74、Team Sypher - 20.305 $
  75、Orbit Gaming - 20.250 $
  76、Bangkok Titans - 19.052 $
  77、Eclypsia - 18.970 $
  78、Team Legion - 17.400 $
  79、Tyan Ne Nygni - 17.000 $
  80、Team Livemore - 16.050 $
  81、 - 15.640 $
  82、TheRED - 15.225 $
  83、Team Ultra Vires - 15.000 $
  84、Cyber Games Arena LEGENDs - 14.837 $
  85、Insidious Gaming - 13.979 $
  86、GSG - 13.800 $
  87、Uncle Ruckus' Revenge - 13.300 $
  88、LowLandLions - 13.225 $
  89、Saigon Fantastic Five - 13.029 $
  90、Quantic Gaming - 12.800 $
  91、Team Turquality - 12.300 $
  92、Frag eXecutors - 12.000 $
  93、myRevenge - 11.844 $
  94、To Be Determined - 11.400 $
  95、Canis Lupus Campestris - 11.332 $
  96、mousesports - 10.985 $
  97、n!faculty - 10.953 $
  98、Manila Eagles - 10.600 $
  99、Denial eSports - 10.325 $
  100、ESC Gaming - 10.236 $

To watch current LCS matches here: (Global League of legends Matches)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

10 reasons why your team lost the game.

Have you ever thought about why your team lost the game? I believe in terms of team pick, Riot definitely has the fare algorithm to match 2 teams. So why your team lost, flame? Nooby players? or champion picks. From my analysis, I would like to conclude, not making mistake = winning!

To be honest, everyone in the team can make mistake resulting game lost.
These are the 10 reasons that could cause team lost. 

1. Solo - absence of team fights. 
Have you ever get Killed by 5 enemy components when you want to push the lane alone. If it happens to you very often, it's your mistake.

If you are ADC, do not run around on the map, especially when your champion does not have any escape ability.

2. Lane pressured 
Have you ever get pushed so hard by enemy team, and you could not win any of the fights. Now, most of people will flame their JUNGLERS not doing their work right. If so, you are likely to lost the game.

You lane get pushed, but you can still farm, defence under the tower instead of dive in and fight with component champions. If you didn't get killed, meaning enemy component is less fed, and have got less money to buy items.

3. Should I tower dive? 
Say you get 15 out of 23 kills from your team. and you are relatively stronger than others in the team. You might easily get a kill of component ADC with 2/5/7 stats.

Some of the death is not worth exchange. Say under tower dive, you are confident, and get 2 kills of component teams, but your rest of 4 member team cannot agains component 3 members team. The game will be end in a frustrated situation, because of your tower dive.

4. Wrong Champion pick
During the champion pick phase, it is important to think about the champion AOE. People are likely to complain about your wrong champion pick which doest counter enemy champion. Especially, when the whole team does not have any champion that has burst damage.

5. No vision control 
If you search on Google about "why ward is important", you will get around 5m results. Especial, bot lane, I see a lot of people pick lux support, but never buy wards to back up Ganks by enemy JUNGLER.

6. No Map sense 
No idea which part you should go and which part you should not go. If you see both of ADC and SUPPORT, it is likely that they went for dragons with their JUNGLER. I see a lot of people solo check the dragon, and ends up death.

7. Never harass component 
A good SUPPORT can always Harass enemy players and threaten them. I see a lot of SUPPORT like Sona, soraka or Anna who play so passively and always stay at behind. Your ADC will be busy farming in the beginning, so why not poke your components, to create some advantages for your team.

8. Don't know how to initiate a fight
When the fighting started when a good assist knows how to switch the attack target,  whom should I protect, and when to tank the damage. Almost of time ADC can escape with ease, but not SUPPORT.
As support, you should not try to kill component ADC by passing their SUPPORT. If enemy ADC recalled, you actually win the team fight, because you can farm more, and enemy team will farm less, and you make the gold differences. (How to initiate a fight)

9. No last hit 
Last hitting is necessary for all lanes, but for bot lane it is super important. ADC should always aiming to buy damage item as soon as possible, because a weak ADC is hard to carry the team. In Bronze, if you do well with "last kill" compare with your component, you are likely to dominate the lane in mid game. Try to practice how to last kill. (How to last hit - a detail guide)

10. Where should I stand in team fight? 
An ADC is more than any other position needs to know when to stay away from the fight, when to re-join even if the health level is low. A good ADC knew that once he was out fighting, and the enemy is to ignore him, he might be able to re-join the fight and kill someone. If an ADC did not kill anyone left the fight and did not come back, he may have to face alone a wave of enemy minion or three to five enemy champions. (Effective AD Carry Positioning)

The above reasons are more focusing on ADC and SUPPORT. I will do a complete analysis later that will cover Mid lane, JUNGLER, and TOP lane.

Thanks for reading, please leave any comments about your thought.

Friday, February 7, 2014

How low elo players can do better in S4 ranked game.

League of legends season 4 has officially opened, ranked games is live. Most professional and core gamers generally like MID or JUNGLE to getting higher points in ranked game. But in fact, to play support helps you in ranked game, if you are a low elo players

In the current ranked game, we have found that those who play support can do better than JUNGLER and MID. With the substantial adjustments of s4 season, SUPPORT no longer need to get some SS to earn money.  If you want to play good SUPPORT, then the most important thing is to control the position and vision of components JUNGLERS.

Why most professional team captain is SUPPORT player? Because the single lane players has to focus more on the Last Kill and put pressure on their component. So as a support, you can focus more on overall control of the team. You would probably do more of reminding teammates get together to push the tower, or prompt them carefully about enemy JUNGLER's gank. Most of the time,  Single laners can not predict what's going on of the overall game, then the whole team will be confused on what's the next move, eventually it can lead to game lost.

From the beginning of s4 LCS games, we can see a lot of support initiate the team fights.  From the above figure, we can clearly see. Anne, Leona and Thresh are the most powerful SUPPORT. They not only have a strong lane control, but also responsible for initiating the team fights.

This means that if as a team, we can kill the opponent's core player, then your team will be very likely to win. In S4 season, it is the most important for the SUPPORT to grasp the opportunity, and gain advantages for the whole team. If you can do that, then I believe you can do better in S4 ranked game.

Videos that might help you:
10 Tips and Tricks for league of legends
Can you carry a team?
How to prevent death in league of legends

League of legends Skin Designer Q&A Session: "Make the greatest efforts to meet the needs of players"

Riot designer of the skin poster "Silver" recently discussed about the creation of a hero at the Forum Q & A Session, below are the summary:

Q: Are there plans to replace the older skin painting? For example Katarina or Master yi?

A: depends on the situation , a while ago we redo the Morgana / Tryndamere , Riot 's original design team concluded after conducting discussions , original paintings if we want to create high-quality , then must invest more time on each one of the original painting . Originally takes two weeks ( in some cases even one to two days ) of the original painting, are all fixed now completed in four weeks. Our team also increased to 8 members. So we have a reasonable allocation of time , prioritize .  The most important thing at the moment is to replace all outdated heroes painting model with new ones to meet the needs of most players. Wait until this thing done, we will start working on others,

Q: How long does it takes to paint a Champion poster ?

A: It varies, if one person is doing , then, is three to four weeks .

Q: How do you determine the position of the hero in the painting poster ?

A: Normal flow is painted on three to five black and white sketches, with the hero in a different locations. We will then work with the writer , model building division, as well as to discuss the hero's loyal players elect the best feeling , then for subsequent processing. Set the general direction until we start adding color , depicting the details.

Q: You are also responsible for doing background animation login screen?

A: The design team responsible for the original painting illustration plane parts, and then handed over to the team dynamic image post-processing .

Q: Why is it rare to publish videos about the process of making the Champion skins ?

A: Unfortunately, because the assessment of the original painting style and the time constraints of the relationship , sometimes we do not go to the creation of a video recording of the original painting . Because the creation itself will take up a lot of computer resources , if they would re- record some cards , the whole process of recording became a very time consuming thing. We are exploring new ways to showcase these players artistic process. I do not know the final outcome will be , but I will go and talk Riot headquarters .