Friday, February 7, 2014

How low elo players can do better in S4 ranked game.

League of legends season 4 has officially opened, ranked games is live. Most professional and core gamers generally like MID or JUNGLE to getting higher points in ranked game. But in fact, to play support helps you in ranked game, if you are a low elo players

In the current ranked game, we have found that those who play support can do better than JUNGLER and MID. With the substantial adjustments of s4 season, SUPPORT no longer need to get some SS to earn money.  If you want to play good SUPPORT, then the most important thing is to control the position and vision of components JUNGLERS.

Why most professional team captain is SUPPORT player? Because the single lane players has to focus more on the Last Kill and put pressure on their component. So as a support, you can focus more on overall control of the team. You would probably do more of reminding teammates get together to push the tower, or prompt them carefully about enemy JUNGLER's gank. Most of the time,  Single laners can not predict what's going on of the overall game, then the whole team will be confused on what's the next move, eventually it can lead to game lost.

From the beginning of s4 LCS games, we can see a lot of support initiate the team fights.  From the above figure, we can clearly see. Anne, Leona and Thresh are the most powerful SUPPORT. They not only have a strong lane control, but also responsible for initiating the team fights.

This means that if as a team, we can kill the opponent's core player, then your team will be very likely to win. In S4 season, it is the most important for the SUPPORT to grasp the opportunity, and gain advantages for the whole team. If you can do that, then I believe you can do better in S4 ranked game.

Videos that might help you:
10 Tips and Tricks for league of legends
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How to prevent death in league of legends

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