Saturday, February 8, 2014

10 reasons why your team lost the game.

Have you ever thought about why your team lost the game? I believe in terms of team pick, Riot definitely has the fare algorithm to match 2 teams. So why your team lost, flame? Nooby players? or champion picks. From my analysis, I would like to conclude, not making mistake = winning!

To be honest, everyone in the team can make mistake resulting game lost.
These are the 10 reasons that could cause team lost. 

1. Solo - absence of team fights. 
Have you ever get Killed by 5 enemy components when you want to push the lane alone. If it happens to you very often, it's your mistake.

If you are ADC, do not run around on the map, especially when your champion does not have any escape ability.

2. Lane pressured 
Have you ever get pushed so hard by enemy team, and you could not win any of the fights. Now, most of people will flame their JUNGLERS not doing their work right. If so, you are likely to lost the game.

You lane get pushed, but you can still farm, defence under the tower instead of dive in and fight with component champions. If you didn't get killed, meaning enemy component is less fed, and have got less money to buy items.

3. Should I tower dive? 
Say you get 15 out of 23 kills from your team. and you are relatively stronger than others in the team. You might easily get a kill of component ADC with 2/5/7 stats.

Some of the death is not worth exchange. Say under tower dive, you are confident, and get 2 kills of component teams, but your rest of 4 member team cannot agains component 3 members team. The game will be end in a frustrated situation, because of your tower dive.

4. Wrong Champion pick
During the champion pick phase, it is important to think about the champion AOE. People are likely to complain about your wrong champion pick which doest counter enemy champion. Especially, when the whole team does not have any champion that has burst damage.

5. No vision control 
If you search on Google about "why ward is important", you will get around 5m results. Especial, bot lane, I see a lot of people pick lux support, but never buy wards to back up Ganks by enemy JUNGLER.

6. No Map sense 
No idea which part you should go and which part you should not go. If you see both of ADC and SUPPORT, it is likely that they went for dragons with their JUNGLER. I see a lot of people solo check the dragon, and ends up death.

7. Never harass component 
A good SUPPORT can always Harass enemy players and threaten them. I see a lot of SUPPORT like Sona, soraka or Anna who play so passively and always stay at behind. Your ADC will be busy farming in the beginning, so why not poke your components, to create some advantages for your team.

8. Don't know how to initiate a fight
When the fighting started when a good assist knows how to switch the attack target,  whom should I protect, and when to tank the damage. Almost of time ADC can escape with ease, but not SUPPORT.
As support, you should not try to kill component ADC by passing their SUPPORT. If enemy ADC recalled, you actually win the team fight, because you can farm more, and enemy team will farm less, and you make the gold differences. (How to initiate a fight)

9. No last hit 
Last hitting is necessary for all lanes, but for bot lane it is super important. ADC should always aiming to buy damage item as soon as possible, because a weak ADC is hard to carry the team. In Bronze, if you do well with "last kill" compare with your component, you are likely to dominate the lane in mid game. Try to practice how to last kill. (How to last hit - a detail guide)

10. Where should I stand in team fight? 
An ADC is more than any other position needs to know when to stay away from the fight, when to re-join even if the health level is low. A good ADC knew that once he was out fighting, and the enemy is to ignore him, he might be able to re-join the fight and kill someone. If an ADC did not kill anyone left the fight and did not come back, he may have to face alone a wave of enemy minion or three to five enemy champions. (Effective AD Carry Positioning)

The above reasons are more focusing on ADC and SUPPORT. I will do a complete analysis later that will cover Mid lane, JUNGLER, and TOP lane.

Thanks for reading, please leave any comments about your thought.

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